Do you see this picture? 3 months have gone by and look at how much bigger he is. It's so crazy how much our little ones change and grow in such a short time. Brandon had his 15 month doctor's appointment yesterday and is now weighing in at 26.8 lbs (79th percentile), is 32.5 inches long (86th percentile), and his head circumference is 19 inches (79th percentile). He has went down in the percentile for weight a little bit but has stayed in the 80's for height. I think this may be the first time that he is higher in height than weight which I guess means he is starting to lean out at bit. We are still in size 4 diapers and currently wear anything from 12-18 months to 2T in clothes (it depends on the brand).
We have had an explosion of vocabulary during these past three months. Brandon can now say Momma, Dada, Uh-oh, Baby, Boom, Hot, Bird, No No, Nana (banana), Bye, Hi, Up, Night Night, Bunny, Hat, More, Water, Book, Block, and Belly. There are probably some more words but these are the one's we fully understand right now. He signs please, more, all done, and bath/wash. He put his first two words together a few weeks ago, Hi, Daddy. It was so sweet. Brandon also knows some animal sounds for lion, kitty cat, cow, and sheep. He can point out where his belly, nose, teeth, toes and hair are on a constant basis (we are still working on ears and eyes).
We are definitely able to communicate more now as if he cannot express in words what he wants he can at least go to it or point to let us know. Plus, it's great that he understands most of what we ask him. For instance, if I start singing Clean up, Clean up, everybody clean up, then he will start cleaning up whatever he last played with (so nice). Or, I can ask him to bring me a different book (he likes to keep the same two books on rotation and Mommy needs more variety in her life) and he will go to the book pile and grab another one he wants to read.
Brandon's favorite things to do right now are anything water related, reading books, dancing, and riding his trike. If you play any music he starts shaking his little bon-bon all over the house. I cannot get enough of that. He also really loves to play with his Melissa & Doug puzzles. We have three that he just loves to play with. He will take all of the pieces apart and lay them out then put them back where they go one by one.
For the most part, he had hit all of his major physical skills before 12 months so not too much new is happening now. He obviously is running much faster now and likes to climb like no ones business but really, other than that, not too much new to report in that aspect. It seems he has really just been focusing on the verbal and cognitive things lately.
It really is amazing how much they learn and grow in these first few years of life. Seeing all of this explosion of growth, both physically and cognitively, just reiterates to me the importance of being as active and involved with all aspects of his life as I can be. Gosh, I just love this little guy to pieces.
Check out these two videos. The top is Brandon getting jiggy with it and the bottom is Brandon playing in the fountains/water jets.

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